captions: 本次活动吸引了来自东盟十国的驻华使节、中国及东盟国家的13名网络达人、中外媒体等60余位嘉宾共聚福州,围绕中国与东盟发展成果、民间经贸交流、数字经济发展等话题展开深入探讨,大会期间,线上直播观看量更是突破1400万。
The event was joined by over 60 guests, including diplomatic envoys, 13 online influencers, and media representatives from China and the ten ASEAN countries, who discussed China-ASEAN development achievements, economy and trade, digital economy, and other topics. The conference was livestreamed and watched by over 14 million people.
During the four-day “Visit to Fuzhou”activity, diplomatic envoys and online influencers learned the Spirit of Fujian businessmen in Shangxiahang Historical and Cultural District, watched Min opera on Love Island, tasted food from various countries at the ASEAN-China Goodies Festival in “Three Lanes and Seven Alleys,”witnessed the inheritance and innovation of Fujian Cuisine at the Fujian Cuisine Culture Museum, and had an futuristic experience at Fujian’s VR Experience Center. The trip deepened their understanding of not only the Chinese culture, but also their identity as “cultural envoys”.
As China’s first large international forum promoting dialogues and exchanges between online influencers, the ASEAN-China Online Influencers Conference not only embodies the common aspiration of China and ASEAN countries to seek cooperation and promote development, but also witnesses the continuously deepening China-ASEAN regional economic integration. It is believed that a better future will be built with the help of online influencers.
with details from Global times Online///michael balaguer, +639262261791, at